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Job opportunity: Social Data Strategist at Awarene…
Job opportunity: Social Data Strategist at Awareness Inc. – Greater Boston Area #jobs
Join the day and #shopsmall to support your local…
Join the day and #shopsmall to support your local small businesses. Get ready for #SmallBizSat 11/24.:
By Josh a.k.a Jodaph@Shift Think (Shift Think on F…
By Josh a.k.a Jodaph@Shift Think (Shift Think on Facebook) For many of us, last night’s election results…
RT @TheFedUp99: “How wonderful it is that nobody…
RT @TheFedUp99: “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank #Secede
Petition to grant the State of New Hampshire permi…
Petition to grant the State of New Hampshire permission to withdraw from the U. S. of A. and create its own government
The trouble with Socialism is that you eventually…
The trouble with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money
RT @amandacarpenter: Dems always talk about going…
RT @amandacarpenter: Dems always talk about going back to “Clinton levels of taxation.” How ’bout we just go back to Clinton levels of s …
@SeanHannity I think we should become the party of…
@SeanHannity I think we should become the party of #yes and give the liberals a chance to play out their plan
I #vote for becoming the party of #YES and give th…
I #vote for becoming the party of #YES and give the #democrats a chance to prove they’re right: