Welcome to my downloads page. All of the files you find here are organized by type. The DAK files are further organized by the source of the pattern (Studio, Brother, etc.), volume (Book 1, etc.) and type of file:

The DAK Stitch Pattern folder contains all of the .stp files you can open in DAK. The template folders contain templates you can print and use to punch 12 and 24 stitch punch cards. The grid folder contains grid-style images with numbered rows and stitch columns.

If you’re having trouble finding what you’re looking for, try the search page.

n.b. I’m in the middle of flipping between download managers, so you’ll see files listed different ways… apologies for the mess 🙂

Happy hunting!

S624 #91 – #100 DAK
14.55 KB  359 downloads
DAK, Singer/Superba, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
S624 #81 – #90 DAK
9.70 KB  247 downloads
DAK, Singer/Superba, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
S624 #71 – #80 DAK
8.73 KB  275 downloads
DAK, Singer/Superba, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
S624 #61 – #70 DAK
9.31 KB  273 downloads
DAK, Singer/Superba, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
S624 #51 – #60 DAK
11.81 KB  265 downloads
DAK, Singer/Superba, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
S624 #41 – #50 DAK
10.21 KB  266 downloads
DAK, Singer/Superba, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
S624 #31 – #40 DAK
11.17 KB  276 downloads
DAK, Singer/Superba, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
S624 #21 – #30 DAK
9.83 KB  277 downloads
DAK, Singer/Superba, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
S624 #2 – #10 DAK
10.43 KB  315 downloads
DAK, Singer/Superba, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
S624 #111 – #115 DAK
5.13 KB  313 downloads
DAK, Singer/Superba, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
S624 #11 – #20 DAK
873.23 KB  277 downloads
DAK, Singer/Superba, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
S624 #101 – #110 DAK
12.61 KB  381 downloads
DAK, Singer/Superba, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
PE1 Mylars #1 – #10 PDF
27.97 MB  559 downloads
Books, PDF, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
PE1 Mylars #1 – #10 DAK
67.21 KB  453 downloads
DAK, Stitch Patterns, Studio/Silver Reed, ZIP
Knitting Gauge Tutorial PDF
5.98 MB  620 downloads
Machine Knitting, PDF, Techniques, ZIP
24 Stitch Rose Trellis DAK
69.49 KB  467 downloads
Brother, DAK, Stitch Patterns, ZIP
20 Stitch Rose Trellis DAK
29.23 KB  555 downloads
Brother, DAK, Stitch Patterns, ZIP


    • You’re welcome.

      #1 tip — have fun! It’s my understanding that the SK-860 can be a love-hate relationship for some. Do you have a ribber or just the knitter? And are you using DAK? Or PE1/EC1?

      It just occurred to me that I should probably be putting up some zips that people can download when they want the entire set. I’ll try to do that this weekend. I’ll try to get some more templates uploaded too. I have 100’s of them so it’s going to take a while 🙁

  1. Thank you for the DAK files! I got DAK 8 about 6 months ago but have no clue how to get started with it. I have a big block of spare time coming up next month and plan on learning how to use it. I have a Singer 560, Silver Reed 860 and a White 1602.
    Thanks again,

    • Spare time is a rare commodity around here, LOL. Make sure you join the DAK groups on Ravelry and Yahoo if you haven’t already. DAK has a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll love it.

  2. Hi Brenda,

    Thank you for sharing your files, I am new to using DAK and have been finding converting punchcards difficult and time consuming. I have silver reeds and find the standard patterns in my DAK to be limited.

    I appreciate what you have done.


    • You’re very welcome! It’s a bit time consuming and I have 1000’s of designs from cards I’ve collected with machines and around the Internet. I’m really trying to upload a few every week, but as we all know — life has a way of getting in the way of knitting 🙂

  3. Hi – you mentioned in one of the previous posts that you would zip the files. Is there another location for those compressed versions? I’d love to have your DAK library. Thanks!

    • Sorry, no… my day job is in e-commerce and the holiday season left no time for fun things. Now that it’s almost over, I’m hoping to get back to not only organizing the downloads, but making more templates available.

  4. Brenda, you are a goddess! How generous of you to take the time to upload stp files. I happened upon your page by accident, but bookmarked it and will return. 1000’s, really, you have 1000’s of punchcards to upload? Looking forward to perusing them. Thank you so much!

    • Sorry this response took so long… I completely missed your comment in the queue!

      Things are a bit disorganized, so there are actually two ways…

      On this page (where you’re reading this comment, just click on the icons to expand the folders.

      For other DAK files that aren’t listed here, go to the main page. You’ll see a little search icon (magnifying glass) near the top right. Click on that and enter dak as the search term. That will give you a list of all the posts that have DAK files attached.

      It’s not the best system and I’ve been researching improvements, but haven’t yet found an approach I like.

      Let me know if you’re not finding what you’re looking for.

  5. Hi, I hope I’m in the right place!

    I seem to recall you had USM files, and, if I’m in the correct place, they were very large ones, tutorials for the USM. I may have written to you about this in the past, but have switched computers a couple of times over the years, so that would all be lost now.

    Can you tell me if you had the files, and if so, do you have them available somewhere now?

    Thanks in advance! 🙂

    • Sorry it took to long to respond. I was just about to reply that I’m not the person you’re thinking of… then it occurred to me you’re probably looking for the old Bond videos. If that’s the case, I relocated them to Google Drive. You’ll find them here.


  6. Hello Brenda,

    Fellow (part) Native American, avid reader, newish (one year) machine knitter from the UK here. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge, this is a fantastic website!
    I have spent some time trying to convert a sideways-knit batwing sweater to a bott-top pattern, and yesterday discovered gauge converters! Not wanting to wait for delivery, I decided to create an excel spreadsheet with the conversions already done. I didn’t know what the formula was, until I found your website, and now I have the spreadsheet done for a quick reference 🙂 I would be delighted to share if this would help your readers, please just let me know, or readers can reply to me directly. Thank you again for the help, I definitely couldn’t have done it without you!

    • That’s awesome. The math is really pretty simple once you see it all laid out. I’d love to see what you’ve done and I’d be happy to host it if you want to share. Giving you proper recognition for the contribution, of course.

      • Hello Brenda, thank you for getting back to me. Please let me know the best way to share the sheet with you!

        Kind regards

  7. Just to explain how the spreadsheet works:

    The gauge converter runs from 1-50 stitches or rows per 10cm/4″.
    Project lengths of 1cm to 100cm.

    So for example, a pattern has a gauge of 28 stitches or rows per 10cm, and the project is 30cm wide. The yarn you want to use has a gauge of 21 stitches or rows. Simply look for the 30cm row, and the 21 column, to see that you need 63 stitches or rows, simple as that.

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