Twitter Tools Hack

[Edit: Now that I have all of my widgets configured and things structured the way I want them, I discovered one or two flaws in what I originally posted — like mangled tweets in RSS feeds. I’ve included the revised tweak below the original.]

When I was looking for a good WordPress theme, I stumbled across Wu Wei by Jeff Ngan. It’s a beautiful theme he uses for his Equivocality site. What I loved about the home page was that he has a nice mix of blog posts and tweets — all complete with little twitter icons.

That triggered a Google search for something that would give me more powerful, but easy to use WordPress/Twitter integration. Twitter Tools is really packed with functionality, but there were just a few things that didn’t quite work the way I’d like them to. I really wanted the tweets in my blog to look like tweets.Continue reading

My Favorite Flipboard

If you’re an iPad user and you haven’t yet discovered Flipboard, you don’t know what you’re missing.

Anyone who has read my 4 Ways To Improve Technical Content On The Web knows I don’t like to waste time. With work and home responsibilities requiring the better part of my day, there aren’t many minutes left for keeping up with what’s happening around the world and I’d be significantly out of touch if it were not for Flipboard.Continue reading