Quick & Dirty Chili

I’ve always made my chili from scratch because those seasoning packets you buy in the grocery store are pretty underwhelming. Last night, I was tired, the spice rack was low on a few items… but I did have two packets of Old El Paso. I doctored it up and it was pretty close to my home made.Continue reading

Best Instant Pot Yogurt

If you’re interested in making your own yogurt to save money, this probably isn’t the recipe you want. On the other hand, if you love yogurt and you’re looking for a healthier alternative snack to replace that 1/2 gallon of ice cream in your freezer, you may have just struck gold.Continue reading

Instant Pot Potato Salad

I love potato salad and always bought the tubs from the deli counter at the grocery store. It’s edible, but I find it incredibly dry and flavorless. I’ve adapted my old recipe for the Instant Pot and I won’t be going back to store-bought.

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